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Christian Friends of Israel has many different outreach projects to the people of Israel. You can read more about CFI outreach projects by clicking on the links, or going to the outreach projects main page .

Project David's Shield - Reaching out to those who defend the Nation of Israel--the Israel Defense Forces.

Project Doors of Hope - Providing clothes and financial assistance to the needy in the Land.

Project Bridal Salon - Providing beautiful wedding gowns donated by believers from around the world to the body of Messiah in the land.

Project First Fruits - Providing financial assistance and encouragement to local Believers in the Land of Israel.

Project Forsake Them Not - Helping needy Holocaust survivors with financial aid and Christian love.

Project Open Gates, - Assisting new Israeli immigrants.

Project Under His Wings - Touching the lives of the terror victims and reaching out to them with comfort, and also in financial and practical ways.

Project Hope for the Future - A CFI Ministry Outreach to Ethiopian Jews.

Project Wall of Prayer - Linking members of the Body of Messiah in the nations, with specific places in Israel to pray.

Project The Last Shall Be First - Reaching out to the Poorest of the Poor.


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Page | by Dr. Radut